Looking After Ourselves At Home

"Life shouldn’t feel normal right now"

This was the message from our First Minister; Nicola Sturgeon at the weekend (22.03.2020), addressing the growing number of us who are #WorkingFromHome. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson also addressed the nation on Monday night (23.03.2020) to enforce stricter travelling rules to be followed. We are taking heed of these recent announcements and from now on, no member of staff will be travelling to work. We are conscious at this time many of our people and others will be adjusting their lives to working from home. We all still remain unsure of how long this will be expected of us, so to help, we have put together a few helpful tips.

  1. Routines – Try to maintain a regular day/routine as best you can. Get up from and go to bed at the same time, poor sleeping routines lead to poorer mental health. When working, keep to the regular 9-5 if that’s what you’re used to and remember to take breaks as normal. If you disrupt your daily body clock it’s going to throw you off balance.

  2. The news – Limit your news intake. If the constant updates we have around us all day now make you anxious or uneasy then minimise how much you look at it. It’s also important to make sure your information comes from a trusted source. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and NHS Inform  are two excellent sources of up to date, reliable information. Check in there once or twice a day at set times.

  3. Social media –At this time people are quick to unknowingly spread misinformation with so much of it going around. This does not help those who are already feeling distressed about the current situation. Try to limit your time on social media and take careful consideration before reading or sharing unverified posts.

  4. Eat carefully – Where possible eat your 3 regular meals per day, though consider cutting down portions sizes if you’re moving less or not getting out at all. Experiment with some home cooking, use what you have and make those dishes you were always meaning to, your mind will thank you for it! Try to introduce more fruit and vegetables to your dishes too if you’re cooking more. If you do not have what you need at home for meals etc, arrange home deliveries from the shops. Only order what you need though, there is enough for everyone!

  5. Connect virtually – While we’re to #SociallyDistance there are still many ways to be social and connect. Take the time to chat to friends and family, catch up with those who have not heard from you in a while, now is a better time than any. Facetime, Skype, Zoom; all of these apps are largely free and great for staying in contact virtually and in large groups too! Our team are meeting regularly for work and out of work through the use of apps like these.

  6. With others? – If you’re lucky enough to be self-isolating with someone else at home it’s wise to spend time apart as you would normally. Tensions can rise as we all spend increasing time in each other’s company with the pressures of work coupled with the current situation at home now. Come together when you usually would, for meals and in the evenings for some well-deserved Netflix binging.

  7. Your surroundings – Working from home is not for everyone at the best of times. Many prefer their usual work surroundings to get on with their day. To help, remove the typical distractions like constantly pinging social media notifications or needy pining pets that would not be part of your normal working day. Keep your work space clean and tidy – tidy desk, tidy mind. Open a window to let in some fresh air. Clean surfaces around you, a great full body work out and stimulating for the mind too!

  8. Help is here – And of course, ask for the help you need when you need it. Here are a few helpful links: