Our Team

A wealth of knowledge and experience

‘One man’s magic is another man’s engineering’ – Robert A Heinlein

We are a team of highly skilled individuals, driven by personal passions for electronics, software and control system design. Motion control, embedded system design, power electronics and electro-optical inertial stabilisation are what makes us different. Nobody does it better…in fact, there are few who can do it at all.

Lead by Matthew Love, Managing Director and Chief Technical Officer, his expert background as a control engineer has been developed over 30 years in the aerospace and defence sectors, latterly moving into renewables, robotic medical equipment and precision instrumentation. His overall experience includes technical leadership and management for large global companies, such as Lockheed Martin, UK.

Our engineers have backgrounds in electronics, software, firmware and mechanical modelling. In working together, they approach projects as a multi-disciplinary team so it’s essential that at Mage Control Systems, team members understand each other, their projects and their goals.

The team also includes provision for programme and project management as well as customer liaison and sales support.

Meet the Leadership Team

Matthew Love

Managing Director & Chief engineer

Janet Menzies

Operations Director